Class Fork

  • public class Fork
    extends java.lang.Object
    A fork is the result of the test runner forking during test execution.
    Rene Schneider - initial API and implementation
    • Field Detail

      • processWatchdog

        protected ProcessTerminator processWatchdog
        The process watchdog, used to govern other processes started by the test runner.
      • consoleInterceptor

        protected ConsoleOutputInterceptor consoleInterceptor
        The console interceptor. Used to output strings to the console, which prevents them from being intercepted by the interceptor!
      • valueConverter

        protected ValueConverter valueConverter
        The value converter, which is used to resolve and convert values before sending them to forks.
      • conversionContextProvider

        protected<ConversionContext> conversionContextProvider
        The conversion context provider.
      • testTimeAdapter

        protected TestTimeAdapter testTimeAdapter
        The test time adapter.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Fork

        public Fork​(ForkDefinition aDefinition,
                    Forker aForker,
                    java.lang.String[] someCommandLineArguments,
                    int aMainPortNumber,
                    TestRunnerCallback aCallback,
                    SetList aSetList,
                    IntegrityRemotingServer aServer,
                    ForkCallback aForkCallback)
        Creates a new fork. Calling this constructor triggers the creation of the actual forked process implicitly.
        aDefinition - the fork definition
        aForker - the forker is a kind of factory for forked processes
        someCommandLineArguments - the complete and original command line arguments with which the current test runner was started
        aMainPortNumber - the port number used for the remoting server in the current test runner
        aCallback - the test runner callback
        aSetList - the setlist
        aServer - the remoting server of the parent test runner
        aForkCallback - the fork callback to use
    • Method Detail

      • getForkTimesyncTimeout

        public static int getForkTimesyncTimeout()
        The fork timesync timeout, in seconds.
      • start

        public void start​(TimeSyncState aTimeSyncState)
                   throws ForkException
        Actually start the fork. This can be run more than once in case of multiple fork startup attempts, but only if the forked process has died and/or been killed properly before. This is ensured by calling cleanup().
        aTimeSyncState - time synchronization state info for this particular fork (will be provided just in case the forker or fork wants to do something with it - time synchronization also happens right after the connection to the fork was established by the master) or null if no test time sync state is to be set
        ForkException - in case of errors
      • kill

        public void kill()
                  throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Destroy a fork.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
                     throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Cleans up internal state before reattempting another fork startup.
      • hasAborted

        public boolean hasAborted()
        Returns true if the fork was aborted due to an AbortExecutionException.
        true if test execution was aborted on the fork
      • isAlive

        public boolean isAlive()
        Checks whether a fork is still alive.
        true if the fork is running
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
      • connect

        public boolean connect​(long aTimeout,
                               java.lang.ClassLoader aClassLoader)
        Connects to the successfully started fork process.
        aTimeout - the timeout after which the method shall return in milliseconds
        aClassLoader - the classloader to use when deserializing objects
        true if successful, false if the timeout was hit or if the process cannot be connected to yet (in this case this method will return immediately)
      • executeNextSegment

        public ForkResultSummary executeNextSegment​(boolean aWaitForForkDisconnect)
        Triggers execution of the next segment on the fork. Will block until the fork has finished executing the segment.
      • transmitVariableUpdates

        protected void transmitVariableUpdates()
        Transmits the buffered variable updates.
      • updateVariableValue

        public void updateVariableValue​(VariableOrConstantEntity aVariable,
                                        java.lang.Object aValue)
        Updates a variable value. This does not immediately update the variable, but buffers the update until it's being transmitted to the fork.
        aVariable - the variable entity to update
        aValue - the new value
      • injectTestTimeState

        public TimeSyncResultMessage injectTestTimeState​(long aRealtimeOffset,
                                                         long aRealtimeDecouplingTime,
                                                         double aProgressionFactor)
        Injects the state variables for test time calculation into the fork. Waits for the result object to be retrieved and returns it. In case of a timeout, a runtime exception is thrown.
        aStartTime -
        aProgressionFactor -
      • deliverTimeSyncResult

        public void deliverTimeSyncResult​(TimeSyncResultMessage aResult)
        Delivers the result of a timesync orchestrated by the master process to a fork, who originally requested it.
        aResult - the result message to send